Genetic algorithm in matlab to solve travelling salesman problem

When learning heuristic algorithms, the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) serves as a classic example. Among them, genetic algorithms can be employed to solve this problem. Genetic algorithms, being an evolutionary algorithm, do not guarantee obtaining the optimal solution due to their heuristic nature. The effectiveness of the solution is influenced by factors such as the selection of the initial population, encoding method, selection method, and crossover-mutation rules.

During learning, the teacher somehow found a very rudimentary program. I corrected numerous errors, added some comments for better understanding, and incorporated additional code to enhance the program’s perfection. This code dynamically displays the route for each generation, providing a very intuitive visualization! (Note: For a general TSP problem, it has been observed that by formulating it as an integer programming problem and using the callback method in mathematical programming solver software like Gurobi, even for large-scale problems (75 cities), the optimal solution can be obtained within 1 second. In such cases, using heuristic algorithms may not be necessary. Refer to the website:

A result picture for one case:

function GaTSPChen

% mainly amended by Chen Zhen, 2012~2016

CityNum = 30; % 城市数目,可以选 10, 30, 50, 75
[dislist, Clist] = tsp(CityNum); % dislist 为城市之间相互的距离,Clist 为各城市的坐标

inn = 30; % 初始种群大小
gnMax = 500;  % 最大代数
crossProb = 0.8; % 交叉概率
muteProb = 0.8; % 变异概率

% 随机产生初始种群
population = zeros(inn, CityNum); % population 为初始种群,包括多条染色体
for i = 1 : inn
    population(i,:) = randperm(CityNum);
[~, cumulativeProbs] = calPopulationValue(population, dislist); % 计算种群每条染色体的累计概率

generationNum = 1;
generationMeanValue = zeros(generationNum, 1); % 每一代的平均距离
generationMaxValue = zeros(generationNum, 1);  % 每一代的最短距离
bestRoute = zeros(inn, CityNum); % 最佳路径
newPopulation = zeros(inn, CityNum); % 新的种群
while generationNum < gnMax + 1
   for j = 1 : 2 : inn
      selectedChromos = select(cumulativeProbs);  % 选择操作,选出两条需要交叉编译的染色体,即父亲母亲
      crossedChromos = cross(population, selectedChromos, crossProb);  % 交叉操作,返回交叉后的染色体
      newPopulation(j, :) = mut(crossedChromos(1, :),muteProb);  % 对交叉后的染色体进行变异操作
      newPopulation(j + 1, :) = mut(crossedChromos(2, :), muteProb); % 对交叉后的染色体进行变异操作
   population = newPopulation;  %产生了新的种群
   [populationValue, cumulativeProbs] = calPopulationValue(population, dislist);  % 计算新种群的适应度
   % 记录当前代最好和平均的适应度
   [fmax, nmax] = max(populationValue); % 因为计算适应度时取距离的倒数,这里面取最大的倒数,即最短的距离
   generationMeanValue(generationNum) = 1 / mean(populationValue);
   generationMaxValue(generationNum) = 1 / fmax;
   bestChromo = population(nmax, :);  % 前代最佳染色体,即对应的路径
   bestRoute(generationNum, :) = bestChromo; % 记录每一代的最佳染色体
   drawTSP(Clist, bestChromo, generationMaxValue(generationNum), generationNum, 0);
   generationNum = generationNum + 1;
[bestValue,index] = min(generationMaxValue);
drawTSP(Clist, bestRoute(index, :), bestValue, index,1);

plot(generationMaxValue, 'r');
hold on;
plot(generationMeanValue, 'b');
legend('最优解', '平均解');
fprintf('遗传算法得到的最短距离: %.2f\n', bestValue);
disp(bestRoute(index, :));

% 计算所有染色体的适应度
function [chromoValues, cumulativeProbs] = calPopulationValue(s, dislist)
inn = size(s, 1);  % 读取种群大小
chromoValues = zeros(inn, 1);
for i = 1 : inn
    chromoValues(i) = CalDist(dislist, s(i, :));  % 计算每条染色体的适应度
chromoValues = 1./chromoValues'; % 因为让距离越小,选取的概率越高,所以取距离倒数
% 根据个体的适应度计算其被选择的概率
fsum = 0;
for i = 1 : inn
    % 乘以15次方的原因是让好的个体被选取的概率更大(因为适应度取距离的倒数,若不乘次方,则个体相互之间的适应度差别不大),换成一个较大的数也行
    fsum = fsum + chromoValues(i)^15;
% 计算单个概率
probs = zeros(inn, 1);
for i = 1: inn
    probs(i) = chromoValues(i)^15 / fsum;
% 计算累积概率
cumulativeProbs = zeros(inn,1);
cumulativeProbs(1) = probs(1);
for i = 2 : inn
    cumulativeProbs(i) = cumulativeProbs(i - 1) + probs(i);
cumulativeProbs = cumulativeProbs';

% cumulatedPro 所有染色体的累计概率
function selectedChromoNums = select(cumulatedPro)
selectedChromoNums = zeros(2, 1);
% 从种群中选择两个个体,最好不要两次选择同一个个体
for i = 1 : 2
   r = rand;  % 产生一个随机数
   prand = cumulatedPro - r;
   j = 1;
   while prand(j) < 0
       j = j + 1;
   selectedChromoNums(i) = j; % 选中个体的序号
   if i == 2 && j == selectedChromoNums(i - 1)    % 若相同就再选一次
       r = rand;  % 产生一个随机数
       prand = cumulatedPro - r;
       j = 1;
       while prand(j) < 0
           j = j + 1;

% “交叉”操作
function crossedChromos = cross(population, selectedChromoNums, crossProb)
length = size(population, 2); % 染色体的长度
crossProbc = crossMuteOrNot(crossProb);  %根据交叉概率决定是否进行交叉操作,1则是,0则否
crossedChromos(1,:) = population(selectedChromoNums(1), :);
crossedChromos(2,:) = population(selectedChromoNums(2), :);
if crossProbc == 1
   c1 = round(rand * (length - 2)) + 1;  %在[1,bn - 1]范围内随机产生一个交叉位 c1
   c2 = round(rand * (length - 2)) + 1;  %在[1,bn - 1]范围内随机产生一个交叉位 c2
   chb1 = min(c1, c2);
   chb2 = max(c1,c2);
   middle = crossedChromos(1,chb1+1:chb2); % 两条染色体 chb1 到 chb2 之间互换位置
   crossedChromos(1,chb1 + 1 : chb2)= crossedChromos(2, chb1 + 1 : chb2);
   crossedChromos(2,chb1 + 1 : chb2)= middle;
   for i = 1 : chb1 % 看交叉后,染色体上是否有相同编码的情况(路径上重复出现两个城市)。若有,则该编码不参与交叉
       while find(crossedChromos(1,chb1 + 1: chb2) == crossedChromos(1, i))
           location = find(crossedChromos(1,chb1 + 1: chb2) == crossedChromos(1, i));
           y = crossedChromos(2,chb1 + location);
           crossedChromos(1, i) = y;
       while find(crossedChromos(2,chb1 + 1 : chb2) == crossedChromos(2, i))
           location = find(crossedChromos(2, chb1 + 1 : chb2) == crossedChromos(2, i));
           y = crossedChromos(1, chb1 + location);
           crossedChromos(2, i) = y;
   for i = chb2 + 1 : length
       while find(crossedChromos(1, 1 : chb2) == crossedChromos(1, i))
           location = logical(crossedChromos(1, 1 : chb2) == crossedChromos(1, i));
           y = crossedChromos(2, location);
           crossedChromos(1, i) = y;
       while find(crossedChromos(2, 1 : chb2) == crossedChromos(2, i))
           location = logical(crossedChromos(2, 1 : chb2) == crossedChromos(2, i));
           y = crossedChromos(1, location);
           crossedChromos(2, i) = y;

% choromo 为一条染色体
function snnew = mut(chromo,muteProb)
length = size(chromo, 2); % 染色体的的长度
snnew = chromo;
muteProbm = crossMuteOrNot(muteProb);  % 根据变异概率决定是否进行变异操作,1则是,0则否
if muteProbm == 1
    c1 = round(rand*(length - 2)) + 1;  % 在 [1, bn - 1]范围内随机产生一个变异位
    c2 = round(rand*(length - 2)) + 1;  % 在 [1, bn - 1]范围内随机产生一个变异位
    chb1 = min(c1, c2);
    chb2 = max(c1, c2);
    x = chromo(chb1 + 1 : chb2);
    snnew(chb1 + 1 : chb2) = fliplr(x); % 变异,则将两个变异位置的染色体倒转

% 根据变异或交叉概率,返回一个 0 或 1 的数
function crossProbc = crossMuteOrNot(crossMuteProb)
test(1: 100) = 0;
l = round(100 * crossMuteProb);
test(1 : l) = 1;
n = round(rand * 99) + 1;
crossProbc = test(n);

% 计算一条染色体的适应度
% dislist 为所有城市相互之间的距离矩阵
% chromo 为一条染色体,即一条路径
function chromoValue = CalDist(dislist, chromo)
DistanV = 0;
n = size(chromo, 2); % 染色体的长度
for i = 1 : (n - 1)
    DistanV = DistanV + dislist(chromo(i), chromo(i + 1));
DistanV = DistanV + dislist(chromo(n), chromo(1));
chromoValue = DistanV;

% 画图
% Clist 为城市坐标
% route 为一条路径
function drawTSP(Clist, route, generationValue, generationNum,isBestGeneration)
CityNum = size(Clist, 1);
for i = 1 : CityNum - 1
    plot([Clist(route(i), 1),Clist(route(i + 1), 1)], [Clist(route(i),2),Clist(route(i+1),2)],'ms-','LineWidth',2,'MarkerEdgeColor','k','MarkerFaceColor','g');
    text(Clist(route(i), 1),Clist(route(i), 2), ['  ', int2str(route(i))]);
    text(Clist(route(i+1), 1),Clist(route(i + 1), 2), ['  ', int2str(route(i+1))]);
    hold on;
plot([Clist(route(CityNum), 1), Clist(route(1), 1)], [Clist(route(CityNum), 2), Clist(route(1), 2)],'ms-','LineWidth',2,'MarkerEdgeColor','k','MarkerFaceColor','g');
if isBestGeneration == 0 && CityNum ~= 10
    text(5, 5, ['第 ',int2str(generationNum),' 代','  最短距离为 ', num2str(generationValue)]);
    text(5, 5, ['最终搜索结果:最短距离 ',num2str(generationValue),', 在第 ',num2str(generationNum),' 代达到']);
if CityNum == 10  % 因为文字显示位置不一样,所以将城市数目为 10 时单独编写
    if isBestGeneration == 0
        text(0, 0, ['第 ',int2str(generationNum),' 代','  最短距离为 ', num2str(generationValue)]);
        text(0, 0, ['最终搜索结果:最短距离 ',num2str(generationValue),', 在第 ', num2str(generationNum),' 代达到']);
hold off;

function [DLn, cityn] = tsp(n)
DLn = zeros(n, n);
if n == 10
    city10 = [0.4 0.4439;0.2439 0.1463;0.1707 0.2293;0.2293 0.761;0.5171 0.9414;
        0.8732 0.6536;0.6878 0.5219;0.8488 0.3609;0.6683 0.2536;0.6195 0.2634];%10 cities d'=2.691
    for i = 1 : 10
        for j = 1 : 10
            DLn(i, j) = ((city10(i,1)-city10(j,1))^2 + (city10(i,2)-city10(j,2))^2)^0.5;
    cityn = city10;
if n == 30
    city30 = [41 94;37 84;54 67;25 62;7 64;2 99;68 58;71 44;54 62;83 69;64 60;18 54;22 60;
        83 46;91 38;25 38;24 42;58 69;71 71;74 78;87 76;18 40;13 40;82 7;62 32;58 35;45 21;41 26;44 35;4 50]; % 30 cities d' = 423.741 by D B Fogel
    for i = 1 : 30
        for j = 1 : 30
            DLn(i,j) = ((city30(i,1)-city30(j,1))^2+(city30(i,2)-city30(j,2))^2)^0.5;
    cityn = city30;

if n == 50
    city50 = [31 32;32 39;40 30;37 69;27 68;37 52;38 46;31 62;30 48;21 47;25 55;16 57;
        17 63;42 41;17 33;25 32;5 64;8 52;12 42;7 38;5 25; 10 77;45 35;42 57;32 22;
        27 23;56 37;52 41;49 49;58 48;57 58;39 10;46 10;59 15;51 21;48 28;52 33;
        58 27;61 33;62 63;20 26;5 6;13 13;21 10;30 15;36 16;62 42;63 69;52 64;43 67];%50 cities d'=427.855 by D B Fogel
    for i = 1 : 50
        for j = 1:50
            DLn(i, j) = ((city50(i,1) - city50(j,1))^2 + (city50(i,2) - city50(j,2))^2)^0.5;
    cityn = city50;
if n == 75
    city75 = [48 21;52 26;55 50;50 50;41 46;51 42;55 45;38 33;33 34;45 35;40 37;50 30;
        55 34;54 38;26 13;15 5;21 48;29 39;33 44;15 19;16 19;12 17;50 40;22 53;21 36;
        20 30;26 29;40 20;36 26;62 48;67 41;62 35;65 27;62 24;55 20;35 51;30 50;
        45 42;21 45;36 6;6 25;11 28;26 59;30 60;22 22;27 24;30 20;35 16;54 10;50 15;
        44 13;35 60;40 60;40 66;31 76;47 66;50 70;57 72;55 65;2 38;7 43;9 56;15 56;
        10 70;17 64;55 57;62 57;70 64;64 4;59 5;50 4;60 15;66 14;66 8;43 26]; % 75 cities d'=549.18 by D B Fogel
    for i = 1 : 75
        for j = 1 : 75
            DLn(i,j) = ((city75(i,1)-city75(j,1))^2 + (city75(i,2)-city75(j,2))^2)^0.5;
    cityn = city75;

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