I have a passion for coding and mathematics, and I enjoy learning and applying different computer programming and mathematical modeling methods to solve business operational challenges.
Reviewer activity
I regularly review research articles for the academic journals listed below:
- European Journal of Operational Research (ABS 4) 4
- OMEGA: the International Journal of Management Science (ABS 3) 1
- International Journal of Production Research (ABS 3) 5
- Computers & Operations Research (ABS 3) 2
- Computers & Industrial Engineering (ABS 2) 2
- 系统工程理论与实践 1
Academic membership
- Member of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA, UK)
- Member of the Systems Engineering Society of China
- Member of the Operation Research Society of China
My publications including journal papers, books and some attended conferences are following.
Journal Articles
- Maximizing the survival probability in a cash flow inventory problem with a joint service level constraintInternational Journal of Production Economics, 2024accepted in Feb, 2024
- On the stochastic inventory problem under order capacity constraintsEuropean Journal of Operational Research, 2024
- A multi-period multi-product stochastic inventory problem with order-based loanInternational Journal of Production Research, 2021
- A cash-constrained dynamic lot-sizing problem with loss of goodwill and credit-based loanInternational Transactions in Operational Research, 2021
Conference Articles
- conferenceStochastic dual dynamic programming approach for a cash-flow inventory problemIn 33nd European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2024) , 202430 June –3 July, Copenhagen, Denmark
- conferenceWorkforce planning with stochastic turnoverIn 4th IMA and OR Society Conference on Mathematics of Operational Research , 202327–28 April, Birmingham, UK
- conferenceA cash-flow inventory problem maximising the survival probability with joint chance constraintIn 32nd European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2022) , 20223–6 July, Espoo, Finland
- conferenceA cash constrained single item stochastic lot-sizing problemIn 9th IFAC Conference Manufacturing Modeling, Management and Control MIM 2019 , 201927–30 August, Berlin, Germany
- conferenceStochastic lot sizing problem considering capital flow and business overdraftIn 8th International Workshop on Lot Sizing , 201723–25 August, Glasgow, UK
- conferenceAn Analysis for Multi Plant Location Problem Under Concurrent Implementation of Different Carbon PoliciesIn International Asia Conference on Industrial Engineering & Management Innovation , 201210–12 August, Beijing, China
- bookSolution manual of the book ’Convex Optimization’(Boyd, Stephen, and Lieven Vandenberghe. Cambridge university press, 2004)2024my notebook for the exercises in the book
- bookSolution manual of the book ’Introduction to Linear Optimization’(Dimitris Bertsimas and John N. Tsitsiklis, Athena Scientific, 1997)2023online book, unfinished, most of the solutions are collected from the internet and some are given by me
- Tongfang Energy Engineering Technology Co., Ltd.—Energy Management Contract ServiceIn Manufacturing Servitization in the Asia-Pacific , 2016